
03 Oct 2024 22:48

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Dating trends 2022:Friendship is the new dating

Future dating trends

The end of monogamy as we know it and the rise of open couples

In the last year we have witnessed a significant shift within our community. Being an extramarital dating app, Gleeden is mostly used by individuals who are married or in a long-term relationship seeking for adding some spice into their love lives, being this either a real-life affair or just a virtual flirt. And even though the majority of our users continue to belong to this profile type, not necessarily they are doing it without the consent of their partners. According to one of our latest studies, 55% of Gleeden users believe that monogamy is a social construct and over 47% among them have opened up their couple with the consent of their partners. This means that the couple have decided to grant each other (together or separately) the possibility of straying away. These adventures are meant to be short-term and not to undermine the existing relationship, but a way to bring some distraction and fun into the couple.

Privacy as a luxury good

Another trend that we have been witnessing within our users is the increase of singles using extramarital dating apps such as Gleeden.

Once devoted mostly to adventure seeking married individuals, the last year Gleeden witnessed an increase in the number of single users. People who were once married or in a long-term relationship that have now changed their marital status to “divorced”, “separated” or “single” and wish to go back to dating without everybody in their circles knowing it. What makes Gleeden different from the other dating apps, such as Tinder, Happn, Bumble or OkCupid is the absolute discretion and privacy of usage. Profile pictures are not mandatory, and users get to know each other via conversations, postponing the possibility to see each other’s faces only once they establish a connection and a level of trust that allow them to comfortably share the access to their private photo albums. This allows users not to get recognized by the accidental acquaintance navigating the app, that might recognize the user and spoil the secret.

After being locked down for months with the family, privacy has become a luxury good that people are now valuing more than ever. Not necessarily because they are doing something forbidden or frown-upon by society, but simply because in an era where everybody noses into each other’s businesses through social media, the privacy of doing something and keeping it private has become more and more important, especially when it comes to something as sensitive and personal as dating

Survey By QuackQuack

Dating trends 2022

Undoubtedly, the scenario of dating has transformed considerably over the course of history. In the wake of the pandemic, everything changed tectonically, be it how we live, the way we shop or in the manner we work. And dating in current unprecedented times has been no exception. The lockdown-induced several restrictions and other public health measures taken amid the global health crisis have, certainly, accelerated the shift towards online dating.Earlier, it was restricted to physical means only, however, recent times have made way for dating virtually. With the rapid growth and deep penetration of the internet, individuals today are embracing the new methods of dating, and why not? After all,right from swiftness, comfort to efficacy, everything tags along with it. Moreover, getting the opportunity to meet new people on the romantic front from the solace of one’s house is, positively, a welcome choice for the generation who inclines more towards instant gratification.

Here are a few notable findings from a recent survey of dating trends for the year 2022 by QuackQuack

Online dating a stressbuster for singles

People lost the probability of meeting, rather running into their potential partners during the first wave of the pandemic. Consequently, thelossand loneliness in the lives of the individuals fueled a longing to find ways to connect more, relieve stress and come together even if it is behind screens, thus, there could be witnessed a surge in the numbers of users of online dating apps. According to the survey, a growing number of people, especially singles, are utilizing the opportunity of getting to know someone closely before taking things forward physically, owing to the help of dating apps. This helps save time, energy, resources as well as proves to be a real stressbuster for them in times of stress.

As per the report, nearly 73% per cent of single respondents will always see virtual dating as a low-pressure way to sow seeds of love for someone when compared to dating traditionally. While 75% per cent say that it can be a real stressbuster, approximately 61% per cent feel that it is much easier to make connections online, thereby boosting relationships. Usage of dating apps is much higher, around 20% per cent, among people who suffer from social anxiety or who are simply introverts.Online dating basically solves a problem of loneliness that happens to be compounded, especially now more than ever due to the lethalvariants of the Covid-19 virus. It wouldn’t be wrong to state that dating platforms are significant tools for building relationships in times of crisis.

Virtual is where we live

Many a time, not surprisingly, one may not feel like heading out for a date and blowing cash on a fancy cocktail, even if it means finding ‘the one’.The period of lockdown, certainly, brought inundation of online dates, and a solid number of daters are wanting to bring them into post-pandemic life as well, primarily due to the convenience associated with it. Over 51% per cent of users feel that they will probably continue virtual dating even after they’ll be able to meet up safely, which, perhaps, perfectly makes sense. Online dating offers individuals a golden opportunityto vibe-check a match without having to leave their comfort zones. They can do a simple screening without even investing much efforts as well as money that a traditional first date often requires.When it comes to building a new relationship, online dating puts the users firmly in the driving seat. They decide who they’d like to meet to build further connections with. One of its numerous observable benefits is that individuals get to understand the other person better even before interacting with them in reality.Therefore, a whopping number, around 73% per cent people believe that the future of online dating looks promising. It is, indeed, here to stay as virtual is the new reality today.

Long distance matches are in

With most people now working from their hometowns and people spreading out, we’re seeing users expand their match criteria and search for matches pan-India. 3 out of 5 women are expanding their match criteria to other cities as well. In a survey conducted, 60% users are okay with matches from other cities as well.

Friendship is the new dating

The pandemic has surprisingly given a new vibe to dating apps. While there are people looking for serious and casual dates, more people are now using dating apps to find and make new friends. Friendships are somewhere in between casual and serious dating and this gives immense opportunity for singles to chat, interact and build healthy relationships while not actually dating. 43% women and 35% men who were surveyed said they joined the app because they wanted to make new friends. This new found love for make new friends on dating apps is bound to grow as we go into 2022

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