
04 Oct 2024 08:53

Television & Cinema

Rail Budget Week viewership: CNBC -TV18 was the No.1 television channel amongst both English Business and English General News genres

CNBC -TV18 is once again a clear winner and the undisputed leader in English business news channels’ coverage during the critical pre-budget week which saw the announcement of the Rail Budget and the Economic Survey.

Not only was the channel far ahead of other English business news channels*, but it also beat the leading English general news channel** thereby consolidating its position as the distinct leader in pre-budget analysis for English news viewing audience in the country.

Here’s what the share of channels looks like:

1. Entire Week (20th -26th Feb’16)*: In the top six metro cities, CNBC-TV18 was number 1 with 76 per cent share which was thrice of all the competition put together. ET Now was at 19 per cent, NDTV Profit at 2 per cent and Bloomberg TV had 3 per cent viewership. In cities with population of 1 million and higher, CNBC-TV18 was leading at 72 per cent, more than thrice the share of nearest competitor ET Now at 23 per cent

2.Economic Survey Day*: In cities with population of 1 million and higher, CNBC-TV18 was leading at 84 per cent, garnering more than 5 times the share of nearest competitor ET Now at 15 percent

*Source: BARC| NCCS A 22+ Males| Wk 8’16 all days 24 hrs

**Source: BARC| NCCS AB 22+ Males| Wk 8’16 all days 24 hrs


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