
17 Mar 2025 00:24

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How AI affects consumer buying decisions – insights from 17 markets

In a new YouGov survey, consumers from 17 international markets were asked about how a company’s use of AI in their products or services would affect their decision to buy from them. On average, 21% of consumers say they are more likely to buy, 41% said it wouldn’t make a difference, and another 21% said they would be less likely to buy.

In the Asia-Pacific region and the UAE, opinions vary widely. India stands out with 52% of consumers more likely to buy from a company that uses AI, the highest among all markets. UAE and Hong Kong follow, with 48% and 44% respectively more likely to buy. Indonesia has 35% while Australia has 25% of consumers with the same sentiment.

In Europe and America many consumers are cautious about AI. Britons and Swedish consumers are less likely to buy from companies using AI (32% respectively). Germany and Canada see 25% while France and Denmark have 24% less likely to buy from an AI-integrated company. In Italy and Poland, 18% and 19% are less likely, respectively.

In North America, opinions again lean towards skepticism. In Canada, 25% are less likely to buy from an AI-integrated company. The US shows the lowest interest, with 36% less likely to buy. This indicates a strong reluctance towards AI in these markets.

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