
09 Oct 2024 13:59

Advertising & Marketing

In the battle of searches, Trump is winning Hillary

The site of Donald Trump gets 3x more clicks come from search engines than Hillary Clinton

Kantar Media, through its AdGooroo, is analyzing the impact of search engines access to the websites of official campaigns of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, current candidates for the US presidency. Comparing organic clicks (those that are generated when users click on non-sponsored links in search results) and paid advertisements, it became evident that this “battle of the search,” Donald Trump is ahead.

From June 2015 to July 2016, the official website of Hillary, hillaryclinton.com, generated 10.3 million clicks on sponsored search links, in addition to 10.1 million organic clicks, totaling 20.4 million clicks from search sites in the period. Meanwhile, the official website of Donald Trump, donaldjtrump.com, generated only 7,400 clicks on sponsored links in the same period, but gained 62.6 million of organic clicks, totaling almost 3 times more clicks from search engines, compared to obtained by his competitor Hillary Clinton. According to estimates by AdGooroo, organic clicks Trump site amount to about 10.2 million in sponsored links.

Much has been said about the disparity between the TV commercials of the presidential candidates, and this research also noticed a similar phenomenon in the sponsored ads.

According to an analysis of the text ads on Google in the US, held by AdGooroo, the Trump campaign just started to invest in boosting paid in searches in July, when it came to spend about $ 18,000 on sponsored links to generate donations to the candidate the specific site for contributions, secure.donaldjtrump.com

Prior to July, there was almost no sponsored links to the official website of Trump. The leading candidate site – donaldjtrump.com, which presents his views on various topics, and some media content, newsletter subscription and a link for donations – spent less than $ 750 in sponsored links June 2015, when Trump announced his candidacy until July 2016. to get an idea, the AdGooroo shows that the official website of the Clinton campaign, hillaryclinton.com, invested more than $ 1 million in sponsored search links during the same period.

Of course, the numbers alone may not tell the whole story. The fact that Trump started using sponsored links to generate traffic in July specifically for your donation site for the campaign, secure.donaldjtrump.com, may indicate that it millions of visitors to the main applicant’s site (donaldjtrump.com ) may not be giving enough or, if they are donating something. Without access to data on the conversion of each candidate visitors, however, it is only possible to speculate.

Knowing that Trump did not spend almost nothing in the last 13 months and that he still generated almost three times more visitors than the investment of $ 1 million held by Hillary Clinton, it may be safe to say that the sponsored links are simply not an essential tool for Trump campaign.

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