
10 Oct 2024 23:49

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61% Indians Say Hillary Clinton Will Win US Presidential Election

More than six out ten (61.4%) Indian citizens believe Hillary Clinton will win the upcoming US presidential election, though Donald Trump is seen as the favourite by the 24.6% respondents, according to a latest opinion poll by Ipsos Public Affairs.

Most citizens around the world believe Hillary Clinton will win the upcoming US presidential election, though Donald Trump is seen as the favourite by the people of a few countries. Clinton leads by very large margins in Latin American countries, while Eastern Europe shows higher support for Trump.
Ipsos sampled 38 countries to find out which candidate they believe would win the election.

Clinton enjoys significant support from Latin American countries, including Argentina (74%), Brazil (69%), Colombia (82%), Chile (82%) and Mexico (86%).
Chinese citizens are split between the candidates, with a small plurality saying “don’t know” (39%) followed by Trump (32%) and Clinton (28%).

About the U.S. Presidential Election Poll:

These are findings from an Ipsos poll conducted via Global @dvisor. The survey instrument is conducted monthly in 25 countries around the world via the Ipsos Online Panel system. The countries reporting herein are Serbia, Montenegro, Israel, China, Poland, Hungary, Turkey, India, South Africa, Czech Republic, Sweden, Philippines, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Italy, Peru, Vietnam, Germany, France, Singapore, Denmark, Indonesia, Argentina, Malaysia, Colombia, Brazil, Spain, Taiwan, Netherlands, Belgium, Chile, Norway, Japan, Mexico, South Korea and the United States of America. Additionally, Serbia and Montenegro conducted face-to-face polls and the Czech Republic, Netherlands and Norway conducted their own online polls.

For the results of the survey presented herein, an international sample of 21,689 adults aged 18-64 in the US, Israel and Canada, and age 16-64 in all other countries, were interviewed. Approximately 500+ individuals participated on a country by country basis via the Ipsos Online Panel with the exception of Serbia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Norway, where each have a sample approximately 1000+. The precision of Ipsos online polls are calculated using a credibility interval with a poll of 1,000 accurate to +/- 3.1 percentage points and of 500 accurate to +/- 4.5 percentage points.

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