
15 Oct 2024 00:02

Advertising & Marketing

PHD India Explores Tech Trends Shaping the Future of Marketing in India

Brings in a power-packed panel comprising Arnab Goswami, Raghav Bahl, &Samir Bangara

With time and technology, the world is fast moving towards a world where technologies like AI will be the norm, completely revolutionizing the way we buy, work, learn and communicate. This will form the premise of PHD India’sPredestinationsession to beheld on June 1st (12 pm) at Zee Melt 2017 organised by Kyoorius.

In 2016, PHD partnered with the author, visionary, provocateur and Wired founder Kevin Kelly to understand the technological forces that will shape our future. Kelly, the author of The Inevitable makes a compelling case for how the roots of the digital world are the springboard for the enduring and profound changes we will live through over the next thirty years. This formed the core of the thinking behind PHD’s Predestination series.

The moderator of the session,PHD APAC’s Regional Head of Global Account ManagementKel Hookwill explore the impact of these emerging trends through a panel discussion featuring – Arnab Goswami, Founder Republic TV, Raghav Bahl, Founder & Chairman at Quintillion Media, and Samir Bangara,Co-Founder & Managing Director, Qyuki. The session will be introduced by PHD India MD, Jyoti Bansal, who will provide an overview of the trends with a focus on how brands are actively exploring and engaging with them to deliver innovation.

Jyoti Bansal, MD, PHD India said “We see a future where AI supplements human knowledge and experience. A future where AI predicts consumer needs, which will help us better understand and communicate with them to offer impactful solutions.”

“As the technology forces take over, the human element plays an even more important role. While AI algorithms do the brunt of the work, it is us who add real value by addressing real life problems with technology,” added Susana Tsui, CEO PHD Asia Pacific, who will be attending the session.

Kel Hook, Regional Head of Global Account Management, PHD APAC, added, “These trends will amplify our work and allow our ideas to evolve in a new environment. New roles for humans will emerge in this new world. In the future, we’ll be judged effective based on how well we use these to engage our consumers”.

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