
02 Oct 2024 13:50

Advertising & Marketing

Marketing New Year’s Resolutions for 2016

Putting Knowledge First

Our suggested marketing New Year’s resolutions are diverse, but they all fall under one common banner: getting smarter to up your odds of success in 2016.Many people are already anticipating the end of the current year and the start of a new one.

This period becomes a perfect time to reflect on the prior months and consider ways in which we can improve in the coming months. New Year means a clean slate, after all, marking the perfect occasion to start fresh with some renewed zeal.

In the realm of marketing, this means new goals, new initiatives and new ways of reaching audiences. We must also acknowledge new developments and disruptions that threaten to make our old methods obsolete.

With that frame of mind, we’ve come up with four key marketing New Year’s resolutions to help the brands you serve become even more successful. While these suggestions are diverse, they fall under one common banner: getting smarter.

Resolution #1 – Follow the Data, Not Gut Feelings

The migration towards data-driven decision-making has made the collective business world smarter. Gone are the days where one ingenious bit of copy or campaign idea carried a brand’s success. Now, data helps decipher the potential directions, exploring new channels and creating success stories. These moments come not through sudden flashes of brilliance, but from careful trial, error and incremental improvement.

Creativity certainly still has a place in the marketing world, but instinct or epiphany should be the start. Heed the data; it will not lead you astray.

Resolution #2 – Put Mobile First

Your brand literally cannot afford to ignore mobile anymore. Between Google’s search algorithm update and the fact that mobile traffic has long since surpassed desktop, mobile-first is becoming the norm.

Mobile optimization should begin with coding your web pages in responsive design, but mobile-first also means pioneering new strategies, such as app integration, and exploring campaigns that resonate well with mobile users. By putting your brand’s biggest minds towards looking great on the small screen, you cannot lose.

Resolution #3 — Commit to Content

Beyond the benefits of inbound marketing, content gives your brand a consistent voice online. Posting blog updates help you remain a part of crucial conversations. These updates also better leverage social accounts, giving you something to say and continue the conversation via alternate channels. Good content can also help educate your customers on new products or services, giving them all the information they need to make informed decisions.

Resolution #4 — Invest in Knowledge

You owe it to yourself and your brand to get smarter in 2016, no matter what method you choose. Example include:

Hiring more data scientists or analytics-literate staff

Exploring new tools and methods for gathering data

Seeking out continuing education in any form from seminars, online courses, workshops, conferences or studying the industry

Follow These Marketing Resolutions and Be a Better You in 2016

Now, we’d love to hear from you! Which resolutions would you add to help out brands like yours? What is the one biggest project you will focus on in the coming months? What is 2015’s biggest mistake that you hope to learn from? Let us know by posting in the comments and have a happy, smarter New Year!



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