
09 Oct 2024 08:01

Mobile & Digital

WhatsApp’s new privacy policy; should you still use it or switch to better options!

Does this mean that I will have to face a barrage of marketing service related messages on WhatsApp? What if my personal details land in the wrong hands? Will my number be shared with all the marketers?

These are the common concerns voiced by more than a billion WhatsApp users since the recent amendment to its policy. The reason for this uproar is because in today’s world, your mobile number is your identity and itis integrated to almost all the critical applications, from banking, travel, and more importantly the Aadhar Card, which is India’s answer to the Social Security Number.
More than a billion WhatsApp users are facing one or the other questions, some are bothered and some are not, but the fact of the matter is that WhatsApp has clearly betrayed the trust of its users by deciding to share their mobile number with Facebook. No matter howWhatsApp try to defend the decision, the fact remains that WhatsAppusers’ privacy has come under serious threat with the new dictate.

Commenting on the new WhatsApp policy, Mr. Ajit Patel, CEO & Founder of n-gage app said, “When WhatsApp announced its end to end encryption, it was natural to assume that they were now focusing on their users’ privacy. However, this recent announcement has certainly overthrown what should have been the application’s natural move to introduce privacy features for its users. With the media constantly inundating us on the dangers and threats of personal data being abused by companies and more importantly the friends we send messages to, we are dedicated to tackle the issue of privacy. This is why we have developed 13 privacy features, each providing the user with control and a unique way to prevent abuse of personal data and messages”

But technology is fast evolving and there are many chat apps today, which are more competitive and feature rich than WhatsApp and will remain ad free for many years. One app which has taken user privacy to another level is n-gage.

n-gage has host of privacy features, which have been designed to protect users’ privacy beyond his or her device. Some of the unique features are

Scramble makes your chats and images (media) files illegible or in a pixelated or jumbled format to the receiver of the message.

Extract features is not less than a magic tool, which can erase message or entire chat, without physically accessing the device of the other person through your own device.

Stop Screenshot feature disallows other users to download your picture or copy any conversation.

In Private Vaultyou can store images or videos, which you want to hide from others and it is password protected.

Safe chat is the feature that enables users to send and receive 1-on-1 password protected messages.

With Stealth Modeyou can keep yourself invisible on n-gage. When you are in stealth mode, you do not appear in their contact list on n-gage.

With Blink you can set a timer to your message and message or picture will self-destructafter your set time duration lapses.

Burn feature enables you to erase all the data from your mobile from any remote location, just in case you have lost your mobile.
Be diligent, stay safe, n-gage more and transform lives.

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