
30 Sep 2024 15:48

Mobile & Digital

HT Health Shots launches Community, a safe space for millennial women, with #StrikeTheNegativity campaign

If body shaming, gender discrimination, pay gap, menstruation myths, lack of awareness on women’s sexual pleasure, orgasm gap and unrealistic expectations from women, get you all riled up, welcome to an online safe space where you can speak your mind!

HT Health Shots, a fast-growing digital health and wellness destination for millennial women, is proud to launch its Community platform, where users can connect with experts and like-minded people without the fear of being judged.

The Health Shots Community will drive active engagement through live AMA sessions with experts and influencers, encouraging free-flowing conversations on issues that concern the health and well-being of women.

With a powerful campaign, #StrikeTheNegativity, we aim to break societal stereotypes related to depression, menstruation, beauty standards, body shaming as well as lack of sexual health awareness, and bust myths around it with experts.

“The Health Shots Community is a project with its heart at the right place. Even in the comfort of their homes, women can sometimes feel uncomfortable talking about the issues they face. They may struggle with the same in a group of friends. But sometimes, opening up can be easier in a space where nobody knows you and you know you won’t be judged. To create that safe space is our effort with the Health Shots Community,” says Shipra Yadav, Business Head, Health Shots.

On the #StrikeTheNegativity campaign, she adds, “If we go back to the basics, negativity can only be negated by positivity. This is exactly the ethos of our campaign, where we intend to drive positive communication around women-related issues.”

It will be a 360 degree campaign across print and digital, targeting women who have been discriminated against or faced trolls just because of the way they look, what they do or because they choose to talk about a woman’s desire and sexual pleasure openly.

Currently, Health Shots Community is in the process of onboarding medical experts, influencers and industry spokespersons, whose voices are making women’s voices heard in the society at large.

This Community is aimed towards women’s emotional empowerment, an aspect often overlooked when it comes to holistic wellness. Come, be a part of it!

Join here: healthshots.com/community

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