
09 Oct 2024 20:49

Radio, Music & Podcast


Urges Listeners to Step Out with their Masks ON

Post festive-season the number of Covid-19 cases has seen a sudden surge because of the casualness of people to follow social-distancing protocols. As precaution fatigue sets-in, MY FM, the radio arm of DB Corp Ltd., launches “MY FM hai Mask FM” in an attempt to bring back the focus & sensitivity around wearing a mask and maintaining a social-distance all the time.

2020 has been mentally harsh for the whole world, and the only way to fight it is through precaution and alertness all the time. Since the ‘new normal’ does not allow us to be causal at any point of time, we can move out freely and safely only if we follow this protocol. The campaign aims to motivate listeners to Step-up and Step Out to rejoin the way we love to live our life, but, with all the precautions as advised by GOI-maintain social-distancing, wearing face-masks and washing hands regularly.

Speaking on the initiative Vinay Manek Singh, National Programming Head, MY FM said “Under this initiative, we will do reality checks to mask monitors, from busting myths to talking about how not to come under pressure and still follow protocols, from stories of corona warriors to fatigue stories of health line workers, from having important statues wear a mask to having mannequins in stores wear a mask, MY FM will be going all-out to influence listeners to stop laxity and carelessness”

Mr. Rahul Namjoshi, COO, MY FM adds “Our country has a natural fighting spirit. It is this spirit that, since ages, has made us fight and win over any crisis. A little laxity on part of the people in general can have a magnanimous effect on health infrastructure as well on the economy. MY FM is a socially responsible brand; our RJs are role models and social influencers. We are sure our initiative will make positive impact and things will get better”

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