
28 Sep 2024 17:43

Television & Cinema

BBC News continues to be the No. 1 online news brand in India

IPSOS figures reveal that BBC News continues to be the no.1 online news brand in India

The latest data released by Ipsos Affluent Asia survey has revealed that BBC News continues to be the number one online news brand consumed daily in India.

The Ipsos Affuent Asia Survey results also showed that BBC News online is the top brand consumed daily among:

• Business decision makers
• C-suites/directors
• IT purchase influencers
• Advertisement receptive viewers
• Electric/hybrid car owners6 as well as purchase intenders
• Sustainability minded consumers
• Travellers

Further, the figures reveal the outstanding performance of BBC News online in terms of monthly use by Gen Z10 and frequent domestic travellers in India.

On mobile, BBC News is the number one international online news brand accessed monthly via mobile in India12 and, on television, BBC News continues to be the top international news channel accessed monthly in India.

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