
01 Oct 2024 14:58

Television & Cinema

CNN is the undisputed number one international news brand in Asia-Pacific

Ipsos results show continued growth in TV and strong growth in digital audiences

In India, CNN is the number 1 international TV and digital news brand

The latest Ipsos Affluent Survey findings released show CNN is the undisputed number one international news brand in Asia-Pacific. Regardless of platform (TV, web, mobile), metric (daily, weekly, monthly reach) or major target audience group, no other news brand has a stronger reach than CNN.

In India, CNN is the #1 international news brand in total (monthly multiplatform) reach. CNN also leads in both TV (monthly and daily) and digital (monthly) reach in the country.

Some of the survey highlights include:

CNN is the #1 multiplatform news brand

35% monthly reach in Asia Pacific

35% greater than next news brand in Asia Pacific

24% monthly reach in India

21% ahead of BBC in India

CNN is the #1 TV news network

29% monthly, 20% weekly and 7% daily reach in Asia Pacific

At least 50% ahead of next news network in Asia Pacific

21% monthly and 6% daily reach in India

17% ahead of BBC in monthly reach and 25% ahead of BBC in daily reach in India

CNN is the #1 digital news brand

11% monthly reach in Asia Pacific

47% more than next brand in Asia Pacific

49% ahead of BBC in India

CNN is #1 in exclusive reach

More than twice the exclusive reach* of any other international news brands in Asia Pacific

At least three quarters (74%+) of consumers of competing news brands also consume CNN, while between a half (46%) and three quarters (73%) of CNN consumers do not view/read competitor news brands in Asia Pacific

1.7 times the exclusive reach of BBC in India

CNN is #1 in a growing genre

Leads the international news genre and growing in both TV and digital audiences

+8% year-on-year in weekly and monthly TV reach in Asia Pacific

+26% year-on-year in monthly digital reach in Asia Pacific

Year-on-year growth has been stronger still for TV (+103% daily reach, +39% weekly and +19% monthly) and digital (+102% monthly reach) in India

As well as being number one in TV and digital, CNN leads all international news/business brands in key target groups in monthly multiplatform reach. Highlights include:

CNN is #1 in business

55% reach of top management, 49% of financial decision makers** and 44% of total business decision makers in Asia Pacific

At least 2.2 times larger audience base than dedicated business news brands in Asia Pacific

46.9% reach of top management in India

55% greater audience reach than BBC amongst top management in India

Vice President of CNN International Advertising Sales for Asia Pacific Sunita Rajan: “The survey results are clear: no matter how the figures are analyzed, whether it’s by platform, metric or major target group, no other news brand has a stronger reach than CNN. It proves our strategy to be where our audience wants us, on all platforms all of the time, is working. It’s also encouraging from an industry perspective that the international news genre as a whole is growing. The fact CNN is the clear leader in a growing market is a testament to the hard working team at CNN International.”

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