
09 Oct 2024 04:59

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New Year dating resolutions to consider as we enter 2021

As we enter 2021, there’s no doubt that we want to gain back a little more control of our lives. Even as we think of several resolutions – from getting fitter to reading more books – it’s not often that we promise to prioritise taking care of ourselves or working towards improving our dating lives. So, in 2021, it’s time to make new year resolutions for dating!

Bumble India’s Relationship Expert, Shahzeen Shivdasani suggests new year dating resolutions that you could consider to help you navigate the new rules of dating in 2021.

1. I will make the first move

It’s 2021 and it’s time to take charge of your dating journey by making the first move. Ask your connection out on a date, or if you’re uncomfortable to step out, plan a virtual date on Bumble, the women-first social networking app, which has made it so much easier and safer to find your perfect match. This new year, make the resolution to take charge of your dating journey, and don’t just stop there. In 2021, make the first move in all aspects of your life.

 2. I will be clear about what I want

You can be dating for a long time and still hesitate to have “the talk”. It’s okay to put off the conversation, but as a resolution, promise yourself to look inwards, understand what you want and then communicate when you’re comfortable. You can spend months with someone knowing fully well what you want from the connection, yet hesitant to ask “where is this going?” You should have this conversation whenever you want to. This is your dating life, and whether you are looking for something serious or not, you should be able to address this head-on. As long as you have this ironed out in your own head, there’s no space for confusion.

3. I won’t overthink text messages

How often in your dating life have you found yourself overthinking a text message and staring at your phone? We’ve all been there! My suggestion for this resolution would be to take text messages at face value and no more. Everyone has a completely different daily routine as well as texting style – after all, someone might like you but hate texting!

4. I will make more time for my bonds

Often we get so caught up in our daily routines with friends and family, that we forget to actually spend quality time with our partner or a new connection. How often do we plan a date night? How often do we sit and share things with each other? Relationships get monotonous when we stop putting effort into them. Make a resolution this year to ensure you make time for your partner, or if you are talking to your new match online, perhaps consider giving more time and care to the new connection you made. This will only strengthen your existing bond and aid in growing it further.

5. I will pay attention to green flags

While we spend so much time talking about the red flags and what to stay away from which is absolutely essential,, how often do we talk about the good qualities that someone brings to the table? Let’s make a resolution in the new year to appreciate the admirable traits we see in someone–whether it is in your relationship or while getting to know someone new. These traits could include: a good understanding of who you are, showing up for you when you need them, making you laugh often or showing up at family events. In 2021, let’s take the time to notice these green flags in people and be grateful for it.

 6) I will go easy on myself

In this new world of dating, our lives have been radically altered as we continue to adjust to socially-distanced dating: not being able to meet in person or have a hug or a hand touch as easily as we were used to. Whether it’s a first date or conversations on texts, don’t get stressed out by thinking you need to be a certain way. As we begin a new year, my final suggestion would be to promise yourself to have fun! Make the final resolution to just be yourself in 2021. If you are looking for someone to connect with, they deserve a chance at getting to know the real you.

Dating right now can be complicated and we’re all just trying to figure it out. No matter how you decide to connect, or what other resolutions you want to make for 2021, just focus on making sure that they are resolutions that help you take charge of your dating life and guide you in finding what is right for you!


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