
17 Feb 2025 02:18

Leadership Perspectives

Is technology taking over advertising?

Has technology started replacing the mental effort? Is it taking over our brain and turning it futile? What about big ideas? Has gennext stopped thinking because of easy referencing from the net? Where is technology moving to? Today, it has revolutionised the way we see and perceive every single thing! Its penetration has increased exceedingly in last 10 years.

It’s true and acceptable when everybody gets more techno-friendly but when it starts hindering one’s originality, it can certainly leave a bad taste. Technology is good to understand the market across the globe and interact with many minds to facilitate deeper understanding and knowledge. Losing the touch with upcoming technology could lead our business to loss. So the core issue isn’t on what technology to be used but the different ways we can actually use them.

With the growing craze for technology, the main concern for the advertising world is whether the current rage will reap benefits or can actually have negative consequences.

Earlier creativity was constrained due to lack of technological advancement. Today, technology has gifted a creatively liberating impact on the advertising community. With new technology, producing and altering ones actual ideas have become easy. With evolution of new trends in technology, ideas became more versatile, out of the box and sophisticated. But depending on technology for an idea could be potentially dangerous for the mind. An idea can only be formed by mental effort and no technology could produce an idea for you. Technology has certainly become an easy medium for referencing if you are stuck, whereas 15-12 years back the creative artists would depend on books, sourcing references from libraries. But efforts certainly made ideas more credible.

Today digital has become a big medium but understanding of communication has become weaker. Originality is lost and thoughts have just become arbitrary. Also with more data at our disposal, plagiarism may increase because of easy references for idea.

On the better side, thanks to technology, a tailor-made solution to a particular brand is possible. New technology has also helped to make things happen faster.

The dotcom era has brought about a revolution in the advertising world. Advertising is evolving to create a complimentary online campaign to a brand’s TV campaign. Now, it’s about experimenting with countless apps and networks that a customer pulls out of their pocket. Technology has paved way for the advent of social media advertising. Tweets, pop-ups, likes, web-banners, etc. have become a new branch of marketing known as viral marketing.

No doubt, the traditional medium of advertising viz. print and radio is to stay, but they have incorporated different technological advancements to stay alive. It clearly comes out that though technology has its pros and cons in advertising, the pros outweigh the cons by a great margin.

But the basic sensibilities and hard work should definitely prevail and nothing can overtake them. It’s sad that today’s generation know technology but not what to do with technology. People just beginning their careers in advertising should start using computer only when they get an idea. They should scribble, write, draw whatever, anywhere but get on their toes and not let technology take over their thinking power. Innovative thinking is theirs to keep and they should take pride in their ideas and not let technology take their ideas away from them!

Authored by: Sandeep Bomble, Founder and Creative director, Palasa.

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