
12 Feb 2025 22:55

Meet the Leader

Priyanka Shroff, COO, Digital Republik

“Statistics show that we’re perhaps at the leading edge of all things Digital or Tech. We have a young population; we have a high mobile density etc. But that is the consumer. The Digital Marketing Agency side is unfortunately rather disappointing. I can count on my fingertips the number of agencies that actually strive for client business impact. They have all gone the ‘Main-Line Agency’ way of patting each other’s back & chasing awards given by each other. I’d love to see an Awards Show that only has Clients and Business guys as the Jury – measuring the Campaigns on business impact, not on the number of ‘shares’ that a video got. Having said that, it’s not all too bleak, there is a lot of innovation happening. Many young entrepreneurs are creating a new type of agency, that’s driven by Tech. We like to think that we’re at the tip of that wave.” Said Priyanka Shroff, COO, Digital Republik 

In an interaction with MediAvataar India Priyanka shared the agency’s vision and what makes for a profitable technically creative venture.

Here is the complete Q&A….

MediAvataar: What does Digital Republik stand for?
Priyanka: Digital Republik stands at the intersection of Technology, Strategy & Marketing. It’s a new way of thinking that puts Digital first, as a means to achieve maximum Brand Impact for any Client that is trying to make sense of this “thing” called the ‘Internet’ and on how to leverage it to maximize marketing efficiency.

MediAvataar: How important is the Online Brand Identity in today’s day and age?
Priyanka: It’s everything. Brands today are built online. From the movie you choose to go watch on the weekend, to the restaurant you wish to dine at. From the brands you aspire to purchase, to a service that you’re willing to try out. All of them are based on experiences shared online. Gone are the days of the ‘Passive Consumer’, where a Marketer would come up with a Big Idea & use all her resources to broadcast it from One-Way mediums like the TV, Newspaper, Radio or Billboards. Today’s Brand Identity is a constantly evolving process, through multiple, networked and agile mediums. A brand that does not believe this and act on it, is building a dying brand.

MediAvataar: What’s Digital Republik’s idea of enhancing it for clients?
Priyanka: All our Clients work with us, because of the Strategic Business Insight we bring to the table. We’re perhaps the only “agency” that has a ‘Strategic Research & Knowledge’ division, For us, it’s not about creating a “Cool Campaign”, that does nothing to build the business for a Client, its about delivering real business impact. The Awards we like to win are called, ‘Client Renewals’. We understand the Client’s Business Objective (not just Marketing objective) and create a marketing plan that works to achieve those objectives.

MediAvataar: Does one shoe really fits all when it comes to digital marketing?
Priyanka: Certainly not, every Client is unique & their brand message is different. The mediums (Search, Social etc.) need to adapt to the Brand’s business needs.

MediAvataar: Please share some of your campaigns that have really made you feel proud.
Priyanka: 1. Polygel Industries: http://digitalrepublik.com/digital-marketing-case-study/polygel/
2. Regenesis campaign: http://www.digitalrepublik.com/digitalgazette/2016/march/the-Genesis-of-ReGenesis.html

MediAvataar: How do you look at your competition?
Priyanka: We don’t look at them; we’re too focused on building our Client’s business. They’re “Agencies” we’re “Marketing Partners”. They strive for Awards. We secure Long Term Client Contracts. They focus on Design & Creative; we focus on Strategy & Tech.

MediAvataar: In your career journey, what has been one of your most a) gratifying and b) bizarre experiences so far?
Priyanka: Gratifying: With our Fit2RunHearts for Asian Heart Hospital, we were humbled to see the determination and the achievements of former heart patients, running the Mumbai Marathon – 100 of them. Our small initiative to showcase these champions won us many awards and was perhaps the most gratifying for me and my team.
Bizarre: This one is straight from an Internet Meme: We asked a Client for a Google Hangouts meeting and the Client looked perplexed, saying, “I don’t know where the Google office is”.

MediAvataar: What’s the secret to attracting the best talent and keeping clients happy while balancing the books?
Priyanka: We believe in creating our own talent. Hiring them for common sense and a sense of future promise. We then train them for skill. All the while providing them with a fun atmosphere. We take our work very seriously, but not ourselves. Just take a look at the Careers page on our website, and you will get an idea of the things we offer to attract talent.

Keeping clients happy is a constant balance, between what you think is good for the client’s business and what the specific individual on the client side wants to achieve, given whatever organizational dynamics exist within.

We only work with clients where we have the ability to have an impact. Where the client treat us an extension of their own Marketing Department, rather than a Vendor. We probably say NO, more times than we say YES to new clients that ensure we balance our books too.

MediAvataar: Where do you place India on the global digital marketing backdrop?
Priyanka: Statistics show that we’re perhaps at the leading edge of all things Digital or Tech. We have a young population; we have a high mobile density etc. But that is the consumer. The Digital Marketing Agency side is unfortunately rather disappointing. I can count on my fingertips the number of agencies that actually strive for client business impact. They have all gone the ‘Main-Line Agency’ way of patting each other’s back & chasing awards given by each other. I’d love to see an Awards Show that only has Clients and Business guys as the Jury – measuring the Campaigns on business impact, not on the number of ‘shares’ that a video got.
Having said that, it’s not all too bleak, there is a lot of innovation happening. Many young entrepreneurs are creating a new type of agency, that’s driven by Tech. We like to think that we’re at the tip of that wave.

MediAvataar: Your message to the budding digital marketing professionals in India.
Priyanka: Preach what you Practice (not the other way around). You are a consumer of Digital Media, what you practice as a Consumer, should drive your insight into becoming a better Digital Marketing Professional. Common Sense is another thing that we can never get enough of and finally humility. This medium is evolving very fast and uses both sides of your brain. So be humble and be willing to learn.


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